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"Power" Tagged Sermons

What do you see in Him?

The miracle in this passage not only teaches us that Jesus will provide for all our physical and spiritual needs, but it is actually a sign that reveals who Jesus is Matthew 14: 13-21 Now when Jesus heard this, he withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself. But when the crowds…

Power to Forgive

Although the Christian faith has many values, virtues and applications, the most essential message is that, man a sinner, can know the fullness of forgiveness for that sin. That is the heart of the message of Christianity, and that is exactly the message of this miracle at the beginning of Matthew chapter nine. Matthew 9:1-13…

Jesus’ Power

In this section, Matthew records a series of miracles performed by Jesus Christ. There are countless of miracles that are done, nine of which he singles out as examples of the power of Jesus. They are really His credentials as the Messiah. These signs point convincingly to His deity; for only God can do the…

Rich Man, Poor Man

God generously gives us wisdom if we ask for it with sincerity. As we consider wealth through the eyes of wisdom, we need to seek right priorities and to remember that our circumstances must be viewed in the light of eternal certainties. Isaiah 40:1-8 ESV Comfort for God’s People 40 Comfort, comfort my people, says…


Christ sent His Spirit to enable His followers to understand and proclaim the Gospel. Pentecost was an unmistakable, unconditional, unavoidable, and unrepeatable event. God’s unifying Spirit continues to draw Believers together under Christ as they trust Him as Saviour. Acts 2:1-41 ESV The Coming of the Holy Spirit 2 When the day of Pentecost arrived,…

Ascended King

Christ’s ascension may be the least considered aspect of His work. Without it though, our picture of Jesus is incomplete. As we examine the Scriptures, we are reminded that we serve a mighty, ascended King who wears a crown of glory as He governs the universe, rules His Church and intercedes for believers like us.…

By My Spirit

There is a great temptation to overestimate our own ability and foolishly underestimate the Spirit of the Lord. As we consider a familiar text from the prophet Zechariah, we are reminded that earthly means cannot sustain us, it is only the Spirit of the Lord, who is sufficient to carry us through any and every…

He is Risen Indeed!

Christians celebrate Easter Sunday with joy, knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ has risen from the dead! However, eyewitnesses to the event weren’t immediately sure what had happened. Using the Apostle John’s account, we will consider the Biblical evidence affirming that ‘He is risen indeed!’ John 20:1-10 English Standard Version The Resurrection 20 Now on…

Mother’s Advice

At a wedding in the town of Cana, Jesus miraculously turned water into wine. Every miracle Jesus performed pointed toward the cross. From His response to His mother’s reaction to the miracle itself, Jesus had His coming passion in mind. Here we see that Jesus is God and does what only God can do.