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"peace" Tagged Sermons

Power to Forgive

Although the Christian faith has many values, virtues and applications, the most essential message is that, man a sinner, can know the fullness of forgiveness for that sin. That is the heart of the message of Christianity, and that is exactly the message of this miracle at the beginning of Matthew chapter nine. Matthew 9:1-13…

Promised Peace

The righteous try to live God’s way and the wicked reject God and live their own way. And yet… the wicked often seem to have it better than the righteous. Psalm 37 provides a plan of action for experiencing the peace that passeth all understanding. Psalm 37 ESV He Will Not Forsake His Saints [a]…

The Compassionate Christ

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus was full of compassion for those who were suffering. In this passage we unpack the stories of two families that Jesus encountered. Christ’s compassion reached beyond race and respectability to minister to those in pain, hopelessness, loneliness and grief. Luke 7:1-17 ESV Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant 7 After he…

Peace of Mind

The Apostle Paul in this passage deals with the secret of knowing real peace of mind. God’s goal for His children is that we live free of all worry and care. By taking everything to God in prayer we are able to experience the peace of God that will keep our hearts and minds through Christ…

Reassuring Peace

After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His frightened disciples to bring them the peace and reassurance they so desperately needed—and to strengthen them for the work ahead. Jesus offered His disciples and offers to us as well: peace through God’s love for them and a reminder that His divine power would enable them to complete…

The God of Peace

In a world that longs for peace, where is it to be found? The Bible helps us to understand what true peace is. The greatest need of every person is to know peace with God and the God of Peace. This peace can only be discovered in the person of Jesus Christ. Mark 4:35-41 Jesus…

True security

Although many people believe that financial security will bring peace and contentment, true security can only be found when we look first to the Lord Jesus Christ. In this message from Hebrews, we are reminded that the Lord himself is not only our helper but knowing Him will cause fear to subside and we can…


This message begins by looking at the lack of peace today and then asks questions concerning the relationships of peace showing that humanity’s greatest need is peace with God and that this is only available through the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1 Peace with God Through Faith 5 Therefore, since we have been just

What will the end Be?

This message begins by looking at the position of the Wicked/Transgressor. He seems to prosper at first, but tragically essentially has no future. For the believer, there is present evidence of transformation followed by a future of peace 35 I have seen a wicked, ruthless man, spreading himself like a green laurel tree.[a] 36 But…

It is Finished: The Prison

This message begins by looking at the Respect of the First Good Friday; the Fear of the first Easter Saturday then culminates in the peace and power of the Resurrection morning. Matthew 28:1-10 English Standard Version (ESV) The Resurrection 28 Now after the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary…