Because we forget even the most wonderful of things there need to be times of rediscovery in our lives when we remember and recover the glory of God. This sermon sets out what it is we need to recover today.
Because we forget even the most wonderful of things there need to be times of rediscovery in our lives when we remember and recover the glory of God. This sermon sets out what it is we need to recover today.
Because we forget even the most wonderful of things there need to be times of rediscovery in our lives when we remember and recover the glory of God. This sermon sets out what it is we need to recover today.
The atonement is vast; oceanic in its power, majesty, significance. So how can it be limited? That feels like it doesn’t fit. It isn’t a biblical term. Maybe it is an unhappy term. But it has something biblical to say that is important to grasp and yet easy to miss. Sermon text – John 10.11