A community in which to grow!

Sermons by Andy Pitt (Page 9)

Andy became our church pastor in November 2020

Promised Peace

The righteous try to live God’s way and the wicked reject God and live their own way. And yet… the wicked often seem to have it better than the righteous. Psalm 37 provides a plan of action for experiencing the peace that passeth all understanding. Psalm 37 ESV He Will Not Forsake His Saints [a]…

True Religion

God has taken the initiative to save us through His Word, which results in a transformed life marked by a controlled tongue, a compassionate heart, and a clean life. This, James affirms, is authentic religion, pure and faultless. James 1:12-27 ESV 12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has…

Hearers Only

If the Bible is to affect our lives, we must not merely listen to it but also receive and act upon it. If we think we can hear the Word and do nothing, we are self-deceived. It’s not enough to just listen to it; we must do what it says! Matthew 7:15-29  ESV A Tree…

The Father

How do we understand the Fatherhood of God? While every person is a product of God’s handiwork, not all are members of His spiritual family. Those who know God as their Father receive a new identity and are freed from the sinful nature into which they were born. Ephesians 1 ESV Greeting 1 Paul, an…

Spiritual Growth

A proper reception of God’s Word is necessary for spiritual prosperity. Anger, moral filth and prevalent evil can hinder our response to the Word. In comparison, hunger for the Word and humility create fertile soil for growth. We should consider areas in our life that hinder our own response and be ruthless in ridding ourselves…

Lost and Found

What do we do when we lose something precious? In the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin, the shepherd and woman put everything on hold until they find what is lost. Such is the beautiful picture of God’s seeking love for lost sinners. Luke 15:1-10 ESV The Parable of the Lost Sheep…

God’s Goodness

God in His omniscient sovereignty, is the author of every good and perfect gift. Although sin blinds the heart towards God’s glory, the light of God’s true Word delivers the good news of salvation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Psalm 145 ESV Great Is the Lord [a] A Song of Praise. Of David.…


Temptation is the enticement to sin and is rooted in our own evil desire. While the devil serves as a source of temptation, the decision to indulge in our desires is internally conceived. Acting on temptation is an ‘inside job’ and so we are to be vigilant against its enticement. James 1:12-27 ESV 12 Blessed…

The Healthy Church

Effective ministry in the local church is always undergirded by prayer. As the Word of God takes root in the hearts of His people, we should show genuine care for one another, worship together with awe and reverence, and engage in continuous evangelism. Acts 2:22-47 ESV 22 “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of…

Rich Man, Poor Man

God generously gives us wisdom if we ask for it with sincerity. As we consider wealth through the eyes of wisdom, we need to seek right priorities and to remember that our circumstances must be viewed in the light of eternal certainties. Isaiah 40:1-8 ESV Comfort for God’s People 40 Comfort, comfort my people, says…