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Sermons by Andy Pitt (Page 12)

Andy became our church pastor in November 2020

Mother’s Advice

At a wedding in the town of Cana, Jesus miraculously turned water into wine. Every miracle Jesus performed pointed toward the cross. From His response to His mother’s reaction to the miracle itself, Jesus had His coming passion in mind. Here we see that Jesus is God and does what only God can do.

True Rest

By nature, people are uncomfortable reflecting on life’s hardest realities, such as the uncertainty of the future and the certainty of death. Instead of considering our existence beyond this life, we often choose to focus on the fleeting pleasures of this world. However, our hearts will remain restless until we find rest in the God…

The Only True God

Today, many believe that there are multiple ways to get to Heaven. The Bible teaches that there is only one true God and only one way to Heaven. In this passage, we are clearly reminded that only the Lord God can save us and there is no other god or way! Isaiah 45:14-25 ESV The…

Death and Destiny

Death entered the world when Adam and Eve committed the first act of disobedience toward God’s commands. As a result, death is an inevitable ending to life that we all face. By taking the penalty for our sinful disobedience, the Lord Jesus Christ defeated death and offers us the hope of eternal life.   Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 ESV…

Peace of Mind

The Apostle Paul in this passage deals with the secret of knowing real peace of mind. God’s goal for His children is that we live free of all worry and care. By taking everything to God in prayer we are able to experience the peace of God that will keep our hearts and minds through Christ…

The Main Thing

The philosophy that dominates the lives of many people today, is the attempt to find one’s happiness in the things of this life. The fact is, neither wealth nor great numbers of children, nor years of long life can bring the real happiness or blessedness that people seek after. True happiness is only found in…

It’s Tough

Following Christ is difficult and there will be opposition. Yet, the reality of Christ’s victory over sin and death through His own death and resurrection provides peace and courage in the midst of that opposition. John 16:16-33 Your Sorrow Will Turn into Joy 16 “A little while, and you will see me no longer; and…

Pursuit of Meaning

Just as we brought nothing into this world, we will take nothing out. All of the money we have accumulated is worthless to us when we are dead. Godly wisdom will make all the difference in how we live each day. A man who fears God will avoid earthly snares because he understands that a…

Reassuring Peace

After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His frightened disciples to bring them the peace and reassurance they so desperately needed—and to strengthen them for the work ahead. Jesus offered His disciples and offers to us as well: peace through God’s love for them and a reminder that His divine power would enable them to complete…

Acknowledge God

While searching for the meaning of life, the Preacher discovers that wealth brings burdens and anxiety rather than satisfaction. He asks, what benefit money might afford, or what advantage does it offer? His conclusion? Not much!—until, that is, we acknowledge that all good gifts, and our ability to enjoy them, come from God. Ecclesiastes 5…