Following on from this morning’s message I hope to show that on Palm Sunday Jesus began to take full control of the last week of His earthly life, showing the Promise, Patience and power of God.
Following on from this morning’s message I hope to show that on Palm Sunday Jesus began to take full control of the last week of His earthly life, showing the Promise, Patience and power of God.
In this message I hope to show that on the first Palm Sunday Jesus was beginning to both declare and demonstrate His kingship. Although he came humbly yet He came as The King with the authority of heaven and issuing an awful finality.
Jesus’ last words before dying on the cross are recorded in Luke 23. However, many believe that the death of Jesus was the evil and vengeful action of an angry God on innocent and undeserving Jesus. Did Jesus utter these words out of fear and coercion or willingly and with confidence in his heavenly Father?