A community in which to grow!

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Smyrna – The Suffering Church

The price of being a Christian can be very high in a hostile environment. That apparently was the case in Smyrna. Through persecution they had been purified and had come to a serious kind of Christianity. Through persecution they had been deprived, but in their poverty, they had become spiritually rich Revelation 2:1-11 “To the…

Ephesus – A Loving Community

The measure of a church, isn’t to be found in its programs or its achievements, its reputation, or even in its doctrinal orthodoxy, but in its spiritual life. Not only is Christ looking down upon that which is a living community, but He is looking down on that which must be a loving community! Revelation…

Follow Me

Deep down in his heart, Matthew must have hoped for forgiveness. When Jesus fixed that look of love on him, searching the depths of his inmost soul, he didn’t need to think about it any longer! When he heard, “Follow Me,” he was up and gone! Matthew 9:1-17 And getting into a boat he crossed…


Because God is faithful to save, we are to draw near to Him confidently and sincerely and hold fast to the hope we profess. Christ is our anchor who keeps us through life’s storms, and we have assurance that He will complete His work in us. Hebrews 10:1-25 For since the law has but a shadow of…

Power to Forgive

Although the Christian faith has many values, virtues and applications, the most essential message is that, man a sinner, can know the fullness of forgiveness for that sin. That is the heart of the message of Christianity, and that is exactly the message of this miracle at the beginning of Matthew chapter nine. Matthew 9:1-13…

Serving Wholeheartedly

A Biblical church is built on the foundation of the Gospel and shaped by God’s grace. All Christians, no matter their role in Christ’s body, are given gifts to be used for the building up of one another and for proclaiming and rejoicing in God’s glory. Romans 12:1-21 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the…

What kind of man is this?

Within every organisation, someone is in charge. As we think about the church, we soon discover in Colossians, that the answer is Christ Himself. A right understanding of this truth is crucial for us to comprehend, as we consider how our willingness to submit to His headship, affects His body. Matthew 8:18-34  Now when Jesus saw a…

Who’s in charge?

Within every organisation, someone is in charge. As we think about the church, we soon discover in Colossians, that the answer is Christ Himself. A right understanding of this truth is crucial for us to comprehend, as we consider how our willingness to submit to His headship, affects His body. Colossians 1:1-23 Paul, an apostle of Christ…