A community in which to grow!

Here you will be able to listen to the Bible teaching for our Sunday services and occasionally other meetings.

All recent sermons can be found here and there are MP3 files of each sermon that you can download, or you can use the link to watch the service on our Youtube channel.

On the right-hand side there are ways of filtering sermons. These will help you to find what you are looking for. Prior to mid-2017 sermons were uploaded in a different way and these can be found on the following page Historical Sermons.

Please feel free to share and comment on them and if you would like further help please Contact Us.

Limited Atonement?

The atonement is vast; oceanic in its power, majesty, significance. So how can it be limited? That feels like it doesn’t fit. It isn’t a biblical term. Maybe it is an unhappy term. But it has something biblical to say that is important to grasp and yet easy to miss. Sermon text – John 10.11

Chosen Fruit

Although working from harvest I want to show that the fruit of this world has been chosen by God before the foundation of the world in order that we might be to His praise and glory – emphasising the doctrine of unconditional election.