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I hope to show in this message that every church in every age has those who live for tradition rather than truth, and the effects are devastating for church and society, but a Gospel Church declares their godliness in good works so that God is glorified.
In the message I want to show that the Gospel not only saves the sinner, but restores each to a closer walk with God and that holds true not only for the new convert, but also the restored backslider.
A world without the Word of God is disordered and destructive at all levels. Order only comes when God is given His rightful place at all levels of society.
It is all too easy for us as Christians to become complacent and to forget that the Christian life is a battle, but at the same time to also forget that we have a friend who provides all that is necessary in that fight. We are to constantly set the focus on declaring the Gospel.
No church is ever complete, because it is a part of the Church Universal which will only be perfect when Christ returns, but each church is to defend and declare the truth, raising its own leaders appropriate to its setting committed to Scripture.
Life in this world is not straight forward and can be a series of trials for believers as well as unbelievers, but God never deserts His people even in trial. He is able to use it for our good.
Life has to be understood as part of eternity and lived in the presence of God and the light of Scripture. As human beings (young and old) we are responsible beings.
Focussing on the opening verse of Titus I want us to see that as Christians we live for God and others so that the Truth might make us all godly.
The Christian Message is not a call to reach a goal, but a revelation of a provision. The Lord Jesus Christ has provided and revealed the full sufficiency of God’s saving love, which is available to people of all nations.
We fell well short of what God expects but thankfully he doesn’t treat us based on what we have done but on what Christ has done.