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In the message I want us to see the importance of knowing the facts of our faith in order that we might live the faith both here on earth and in eternity.
In this message I want us to see that while Christ’s life and death were both unique they are in fact a great model of Christian Service. True Christian effectiveness is only seen in willing service of God and others.
In this message I want us to see clearly the very privileged position that God has given women is society and the church. When men and women take their God-given responsibilities then we have hope that society will be strengthened.
Life is never easy and at times it can threaten our faith, but in those times Christ often draws near. It is important to hear His encouragement and not to harden our hearts even as Christians.
I hope to show that our confidence as Christians is completely tied up with completed and continuing work of the Lord Jesus Christ. He continues as our Great High Priest and having lived as a full human being understands the trials related to human life.
I hope to show that teaching in the Christian life is always a two-way street, each of us teaching and learning in different situations. Similarly teaching happens in many different ways and settings.
In this message I hope to show that God is willing and able to use those who have been broken by sin and yet come to Him in repentance. The heart of true worship is not in outward form, but a broken and restored heart.
In this message I hope to show the priority for those charged with preaching the Word, but also to show that every believer has the privilege of telling others the great truth that saves all who will believe.
In this message I hope to show that God promises the worst of backsliders that they are not without hope, on the contrary when they return they have the assurance of His ongoing guidance and personal care.