A community in which to grow!

Here you will be able to listen to the Bible teaching for our Sunday services and occasionally other meetings.

All recent sermons can be found here and there are MP3 files of each sermon that you can download, or you can use the link to watch the service on our Youtube channel.

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Living The faith

In this message I hope to show that the Christian life is lived out in the local church, the wider community and the wider church. As Christians we are to give ourselves to work within the local church, society and the wider church.

Go! Go! Go!

As soon as Christ was raised He wanted His disciples on the move in order to prepare them for the work of the New Covenant Church. He has authority therefore He sends His Disciples to make disciples, baptising and teaching all who respond to the message. He promises He will never leave them.

Festal Folly

In the message I want to state again the clear message of Easter – Jesus Christ is not in the grave; He is Risen. Then go on to show this teaching has confused people ever since, but it has led to great peace. We have to decide – are we to remain foolish or to…

God’s Open Day!

Good Friday Service In this message, I want to see the message of the cross, more than the method of the cross and to see that Christ’s death did away with the barrier imposed by God from the Fall in order that we might know peace with God and have a renewed relationship with Him…

The King has Come

In this message I hope to show that on the first Palm Sunday Jesus was beginning to both declare and demonstrate His kingship. Although he came humbly yet He came as The King with the authority of heaven and issuing an awful finality.

Our Fight with Faith

All of us face challenges in our Christian lives and like Peter are committed until the pressures builds. In the message I want us to see where our faith rests and how it will be tested along with the assurance that we have that it will be fulfilled.