Here you will be able to listen to the Bible teaching for our Sunday services and occasionally other meetings.
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Every generation has tried to add something to the Gospel. In this message, I want to show that Jesus is the only one who is able and willing to save lost human beings. Faith in Him will cause division, but it is essential. Bible Reading 1 – Acts 4:1-12 Bible Reading 2 – 1 Corinthians…
Following our Local groups, I want to show that while we all sin God has not only dealt with our sin historically but deals with it today. Jesus suffered God’s judgement so that we don’t have to (Propitiation) and prays for us today so that we might walk with God (Advocate). We must walk with…
God’s silent witness – Creation God’s scriptural witness – The bible God’s soul-searching witness
The Gospel is: Good news of Christ given to me God’s power at work in me God’s righteousness placed on me
I hope to show the tragic situation that results from human pride, contrasted with the security that we have in God and in particular in His Word. God remains unchanging in a fallen world.
In this message I want to show that we need to be excited again, by the message that we have experienced and we need to realise our tragic position without Christ compared to the forgiveness and cleansing that we have in Christ.
Our society bombards us with the message that God doesn’t exist yet that couldn’t be further from the truth. He exists, He is on the throne and His plans won’t be stopped.
In a world that tells us to always want more, God’s Word reminds us that we can be content, but only in Jesus.
In the beginning 1. What this verse shows about God His otherness His Supremacy His personality 2. What this verse says about human religions The foolishness of atheism The emptiness of polytheism The falseness of dualism The absurdity of materialism and animism 3. What it teaches us We are but creatures The creator God is…
A woman of faith A hidden faith Faith rewarded Faith revealed