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This message begins by looking at the unchanging character of our God, being faithful and just. It then considers His Unchanging purpose – the forgiveness of lost sinners. The final point stresses the importance of recognising the limit and extent of that forgiveness. 1 John 1:9 English Standard Version 9 If we confess our sins,…
This message examines how Paul recognised that he was a work in progress. He recognised the difference that Christ had already made in his life, but had set his mind on pressing towards perfection, because of the security that he had in Christ. Philippians 3:12 English Standard Version Straining Toward the Goal 12 Not that…
This message begins by looking at the danger of complacency amongst God’s people, which grows out of a false sense of security. It concludes by looking at the fact that from start to finish the Christian life is a battle. Amos 6:1 English Standard Version Woe to Those at Ease in Zion 6 “Woe to those…
For most of us, 2020 has not turned out to be the year we’d been hoping for. This novel coronavirus has made its way into each of our lives, all of the headlines, and almost every country on the planet! The question is, how should the Christian respond in the face of such events? The…
Paul is writing to the Philippians from prison and yet he says he knows what it is to be content! For Paul, contentment is not found in circumstances, but it is always found in Jesus! Many people struggle today with feeling content and that is because it is based on our situation. In these verses…
This message begins by considering the fact that Christianity is a religion as well as a faith. As such it can be misguided, but James shows the principles of both pure and practical religion, lived in the sight of God. James 1:26-27 English Standard Version 26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not…
This message begins by calling us to rejoice in trials, then shows that we know that trials are a positive part of the Christian life. Their aim under God is to bring us to completeness rather than being left in a position of lacking. James 1:2-4 English Standard Version Testing of Your Faith 2 Count…
In this message we see Jesus as the first Missionary sent by God, with a clear responsibility for those chosen by God. We also see that the Gospel is not complete here on earth, but is focused on eternal life. John 6:38-40 English Standard Version 38 For I have come down from heaven, not to…
This message considers the picture of God given in Ps 145. It then looks at the wonderful promise that God watches over His people, before moving to the tragic news that God will destroy the wicked. In light of those truths we are then called to examine of need and response Psalm 145:2 English Standard…
In this passage we see Jesus opening scripture to his disciples so that they would truly understand who Jesus was. We too need to ensure we understand who Jesus is so that we can really know Him and so that we can lift Him up to others. Luke 24:44-49 English Standard Version 44 Then he…