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Remember Him

The author of Ecclesiastes has examined the dead-end streets that men and women travel exposing the futility of life without God. The Preacher concludes with a plea to ‘Remember God’ and to ‘Fear Him.’ In light of the grim picture of our certain physical decline, we can know a purposeful delight in fearing God and…

By My Spirit

There is a great temptation to overestimate our own ability and foolishly underestimate the Spirit of the Lord. As we consider a familiar text from the prophet Zechariah, we are reminded that earthly means cannot sustain us, it is only the Spirit of the Lord, who is sufficient to carry us through any and every…

Live Life

Uncertainty can be paralysing. However, the Bible provides instruction to guide us as we look to an uncertain future. God has placed us and called us to live life to the full, enjoying the reality of knowing Christ whilst inspiring others to believe and trust in Him. Ecclesiastes 11 ESV Cast Your Bread upon the…

Restoring Grace

Our love for God can be like the morning mist – we see it and then suddenly it is gone. As believers, we are prone to wander and lose touch with God and then fall into despair. Scripture reminds us what our assurance is; that once in Christ, we are in Him forever! Hosea 14…

Peter Restored

Do you wrestle with your past, worry about your future, and fail to enjoy your present? Through real restoration, no matter how it hurts, no matter what it costs, and no matter what it means, God makes us useful and profitable in all aspects of life. John 21:15-25 Jesus and Peter 15 When they had…

Breakfast with the Lord

As Christians, when we fail to love the Lord as we ought, and drift away from Him, we feel anxiety or shame about coming back. What we need to realise is, that He is eager for us to come back! When we get to the shore, He doesn’t greet us with anger but with love,…

Hope Restored

The disciples who met Jesus on the Emmaus road were shaken by the events of Jesus’s trial and crucifixion and their hopes had died with Him. The root of their problem lay in their failure to accept everything that the Scriptures said concerning Jesus. Luke 24:13-35 On the Road to Emmaus 13 That very day…

He is Risen Indeed!

Christians celebrate Easter Sunday with joy, knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ has risen from the dead! However, eyewitnesses to the event weren’t immediately sure what had happened. Using the Apostle John’s account, we will consider the Biblical evidence affirming that ‘He is risen indeed!’ John 20:1-10 English Standard Version The Resurrection 20 Now on…

It Is Finished

For Jesus, the end of His earthly life represented a fulfilment of purpose and prophecy. Even the men who intervened in Jesus’ death and participated in His burial contributed in the accomplishment of God’s redemptive plan. John 19:17-37 English Standard Version 17 and he went out, bearing his own cross, to the place called The…

The Son of Man lifted up

As Jesus anticipates His impending death, a voice from heaven affirms His mission. What Jesus meant as a reference to his crucifixion was completely misunderstood by all the people. John 12:20-36 Some Greeks Seek Jesus 20 Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks. 21 So these came to…