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Temptation is the enticement to sin and is rooted in our own evil desire. While the devil serves as a source of temptation, the decision to indulge in our desires is internally conceived. Acting on temptation is an ‘inside job’ and so we are to be vigilant against its enticement. James 1:12-27 ESV 12 Blessed…

The Healthy Church

Effective ministry in the local church is always undergirded by prayer. As the Word of God takes root in the hearts of His people, we should show genuine care for one another, worship together with awe and reverence, and engage in continuous evangelism. Acts 2:22-47 ESV 22 “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of…

Rich Man, Poor Man

God generously gives us wisdom if we ask for it with sincerity. As we consider wealth through the eyes of wisdom, we need to seek right priorities and to remember that our circumstances must be viewed in the light of eternal certainties. Isaiah 40:1-8 ESV Comfort for God’s People 40 Comfort, comfort my people, says…


Christ sent His Spirit to enable His followers to understand and proclaim the Gospel. Pentecost was an unmistakable, unconditional, unavoidable, and unrepeatable event. God’s unifying Spirit continues to draw Believers together under Christ as they trust Him as Saviour. Acts 2:1-41 ESV The Coming of the Holy Spirit 2 When the day of Pentecost arrived,…

Faith that Works

The first chapter of James proceeds quickly from trials to maturity to wisdom. When we begin to recognise trials as a privilege that God allows, we can then discover joy and maturity. This process isn’t natural so we need God’s wisdom for it to properly run its course. James 1:1-15 ESV Greeting 1 James, a…

Ascended King

Christ’s ascension may be the least considered aspect of His work. Without it though, our picture of Jesus is incomplete. As we examine the Scriptures, we are reminded that we serve a mighty, ascended King who wears a crown of glory as He governs the universe, rules His Church and intercedes for believers like us.…

Facing Trials

The New Testament book of James is an intensely practical letter, focusing on how Christians should behave as we put the teachings of God’s Word into practice. Trials occur in every life but God enables believers to experience joy even in the midst of difficult circumstances. James 1:1-18 ESV Greeting 1 James, a servant[a] of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,…

The Compassionate Christ

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus was full of compassion for those who were suffering. In this passage we unpack the stories of two families that Jesus encountered. Christ’s compassion reached beyond race and respectability to minister to those in pain, hopelessness, loneliness and grief. Luke 7:1-17 ESV Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant 7 After he…

Trusting in the Lord

Everyone experiences sadness or disappointment. Our calendar text this month reminds us to trust in the Lord, forever! Feeling forgotten and sad, David cried to God and learnt the valuable lesson of trusting in a God who knows what is best for us! Psalm 13 ESV How Long, O Lord? To the choirmaster. A Psalm…